Buying your first handgun is an unparalleled experience. But are you building one at home? That’s even better. Fortunately, constructing a custom pistol at home isn’t as complicated as you think. You can create a Glock™-compatible handgun with the correct parts, such as the new Glock™ lower frame.
Pistol Anatomy 101
No matter what style of pistol you plan to build, custom-built versions will contain the same basic parts. Let’s start with the lower receiver, which houses the triggering system and magazine well. The lower is its own unique assembly that consists of several components:
- Trigger bar, housing, guard, and connector
- Magazine catch and spring
- Pins securing the gun
- Locking block
- Slide stop with lever and spring
- Pistol grip
When building a custom pistol, you also need an upper receiver. The upper includes the barrel plus several other components: spring load bearings, a slide cover plate, front and rear sighting mechanisms, and a recoil spring assembly. There’s also the extractor with its chamber indicator, plus the depressor plunger and spring. In Glock™ handguns, the firing pin and spring are accompanied by a firing pin channel liner that inhibits excess wear in the weapons slider. Finally, the slide cover plate connects the firing pin and extractor depressor plunger.
Benefits of Building a Custom Pistol
Suppose you’re new to the idea of constructing a custom pistol with Glock™-compatible parts. In that case, you may wonder why people do this when one can go buy a gun—but building something yourself involves learning new skills plus the personal pride of knowing that you built the pistols you use. Whether you’re a shooting range enthusiast, part of a shooting club, interested in self-defense, or all of the above, custom building offers flexibility and convenience.
Building a custom pistol involves putting the upper and lower receivers together. Like other 80% lowers and frames, an 80% Glock™ lower assembly can be shipped. Why? Because an 80% lower isn’t functional, thus it’s not considered a finished firearm under Federal Firearms License laws.
Ordering individual components allows you to assemble at home, plus you have the freedom to choose OEM or high-quality aftermarket parts when completing your firearm. You will need some specific tools to finish assembling the pistol. These include drilling and cutting equipment. Alternatively, you can complete assembly without machine tools. There’s no shortage of instructional resources that can help you construct your pistol at home.
Glock™ pistols have a unique advantage over other brands. This isn’t to say that other firearms are less worthy. But what sets the Glock™ apart is its CNC machine-friendly design. Thanks to this design plus its polymer frame, Glock™s can be produced quickly with no hand fitting required.
Legal Points To Remember
If you want to build your own firearms, you should be mindful of state laws that can impact your purchases. Purchasing 80% lowers is legal in most states, but you can only build for personal use. You cannot sell your finished products unless you have an ATF manufacturer’s license and pay the appropriate taxes and fees. Your completed gun builds must also meet state and local requirements.
Certain jurisdictions have statutes concerning registration and serialization. You can still order 80% lowers in those states, but you’ll have to comply with their laws carefully. A few, such as New Jersey, have completely prohibited the sale and possession of 80% lowers.
Precision-Manufactured Components
Matrix Arms combines engineering expertise with skilled technicians and efficient production techniques to create a wide range of firearms components that meet or exceed our clients’: uppers, lowers, handguards, and more. Got a question about the Glock™ lower or our products? Just complete our contact form, and one of our reps will get in touch.
Image Source: PRO Visual Solutions / Shutterstock